Saturday, February 28, 2009

First Night Together

This is a silly movie Red and Tom made a couple years after they were married about their meeting at Ugly Grace's bar.
Married Feb 28, 1975

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Dirty Boy

Ariel's original photo is HERE

Nessa's original idea and picture is HERE

Icy said that it was Bootsy that did the stealing of ideas and pictures.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Orlof Steals Nessa's Design

Orlof saw Nessa's design on her blog and stole it to make a pattern for a tunic in his clothing line which he showed at a style show at Ugly Grace's bar.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


This is just a Maddie doll I put a pixie wig on and was testing out a spotlight and shadow effect.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Special Message

Ann Muire said that while she was drinking at Ugly Grace's Bar, she went into the rest room and an angel appeared as a bright light and told her she was going to be a virgin mommy.

Ariel's original photo is HERE

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Driver's Test

I heard a racket outside next door and this is what I saw.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Not A Vampire!

I finally learned to make the characters cast a shadow. I have been trying to figure it out for weeks if not longer. Then I learned that you have to click on the controls of the lamp or light source and set it to make a shadow. But it takes three or four minutes more to process the picture, so that is why the program sets the default to no shadow: so it will render the picture a lot faster.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Shiny Floor

Sammi Summer visited the boys' apartment and said they were sloppy and messy, but they sure kept their tile floor waxed and shiny.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Icy Weather

We hope that it will start warming up soon!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

Walk, Talk, Under the Stars

Gracie takes a long walk with Buttermilk Brad under the bright starry sky. They talk, and talk, and talk.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Xin's Self Image

Xin felt that she was having a lot of psychological problems and went back for another session with the college councilor/psychologist, Dr. Billy. He asked her to sketch a picture of what she felt she looked like so that he could evaluate it and extrapolate nuances that would help him infer behavior patterns and self-esteem. She returned this drawing she made, saying she just scribbled or doodled around and she felt embarrassed because she thought it was such a terrible job of artwork. "And besides," Xin went on to tell Dr. Billy, "I am so ugly! It makes me want to cry when I look in a mirror. I cringe at the sight of my reflection!"
The doctor hesitated as he studied the sketch, then looked at her and said, "Well, yes. It is a pretty pathetic drawing. I would suggest that you drop out of college and go join a carnival freak show."

Lonely Buttermilk Brad

Buttermilk Brad stands alone along Lover's Lane watching the couples stroll arm in arm and wishing he had a girlfriend.


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