Monday, September 10, 2007


Original Photo by Ariel is HERE


Ariel the Thief said...

Tom, I LOVE it. Someone said, a heart is very easy to break but it is not impossible to heal it.

Tom & Icy said...

You sound experienced.

TLP said...

When I was a girl, teachers told the girls that virtue was like fine china. Once it was broken, it could be mended, but you would always be able to see the cracks.

This photo made me think of that time. A time when girls had to be "good." But boys could be anything.

Cie Cheesemeister said...

When I was a girl, I used to show people my crack. They called me Moon Maid!

Ariel the Thief said...

TLP, I think, women's life was difficult in a different way then. :-P
