Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Santa visited Icy early this year.


tsduff said...

Why Santa, what nice colored droppings you have!

Anonymous said...

He left some of those in my stocking last year. As I was not expecting any presents, I only found out when I put the stocking on me foot!

Ariel the Thief said...

The Islam says a Muslim must not even think of the name of Allah in that small room while doing that thing. I respect it. However, being able to do that thing each and every day is a mercy, the foundation of the peace of mind and heart, the inspiration of the spirit, the civilization, the world we live in and life in general. Amen and thank you!

Unknown said...

When I was younger I never thought I'd say this, but I've since found out how much it sucks when the end business can't be transacted, so I'm also grateful whenever things come out o.k.

Tom & Icy said...

Ariel, Elvis died in that small room doing that thing. He must have had the wrong thoughts.
You know, Terry, I bet crows have interesting droppings since they are always grabbing up shiny things.
Iffy, I can imagine how colorful your pee after all that Lime Cooler.
I don't answer in the comment box very often, but I always enjoy reading what you all have to say. Thanks for the laughs!

Tom & Icy said...

I must have been writing the same time as you, Lily. But, hey, it isn't supposed to suck, it is supposed to spew, or something like that. You're eating at the wrong end like on that South Park episode where they ate in the butt and pooped out of the mouth. That was gross! I couldn't watch all of it.

tsduff said...

Ha ha Tom - I too was horrified at the pooping South Park episode... Too Gross for words.

