All avatars have to be small. There would be no point in uploading a large picture for an avatar or icon which they will then reduce smaller than the thumbnail. As a matter of fact, that is probably the reason for the glitch: your avatar was smaller than the thumbnail and confused the computer program. It seems funny that a computer can be like a human and be confused.
And on flickr, you have the free account and the pictures are fine the way they are because if you started posting larger pictures, you might end up having to get a "pro" account which you have to pay for. When I was younger, "hobby" meant you did something for the enjoyment of it, and "pro" meant you got paid for doing it. But since the Internet, "pro" means that you pay for doing what you enjoy. I don't believe Doug or Mushroom get paid for posting pictures on flickr, but they have to pay for the 'pro' account.
And there is no point in posting a large picture bigger than our screen when the computer reduces it to fit our screen or window. What makes your flickr pictures so enjoyable is to get to read what people comment and what you respond. That is called a 'nexus' in the sense that people come together or cross paths socially at your postings.